Learn and understand history or repeat it's failures.
I fully understand history, thank you so you really don't need to condescend. My point is very simple-is losing a few hours sleep worth getting injured or worse by the offending party? One needs to be able to read the situation and decide if any consequences are worth it. Tit for tat can get out of control very quickly and easily. Should we stand up to bullies when we can? Absolutely. Should we fight each and every battle as if it's life threatening? Absolutely not. Someone being loud at night at night is not trampling all over someone-far from it. Disrespectful-yes indeed. Trampling, no. I'm not going to tell you you're wrong as there is no right or wrong here and it is not black and white-it's mostly shades of gray. If you want to practice your self-righteous indignation when someone does something you feel "tramples on you", feel free. You can even get in their face telling them you won't be walked on if it makes you feel better. Most of us choose to pick our battles and if we can win a small skirmish by fighting fire with fire then more power to us. Those that walk away aren't weak but possibly smarter than we are. If I allowed every small transgression into my "space" to make me feel "trampled on" I would never be able to get up off the ground.