I get in the car turn on Peter Gunn, push s on the shifter, turn off traction controls, let the engine warm select first and nail it.
If someone is being mean he'll have to catch me to shoot the finger. Don't let vehicles get close behind, in front or side.
You don't have time, to get road rage, at 193 or above. Just kidding....of course.
Wife drives greeat but she gets cut off a lot, in either lane, going five over.
She doesn't car except the times they nearly wreck us.
Me well they have to catch us. I don't see their childish displays and tantrums.
We have been, deliberatly, run off thee road. I chaased a semi, in pouring rain for twenty miles at over 100mph, that came over on me and forced me onto left shoulder, because he thought my lights bright. Judge gave him classes when he should have gotten attempted murder.
Had two semis, south of Atlanta separately,come over on us from the right lane not merge lane, into center lane and if we had been a second slower, on the brakes and engine brake we would have died and the front portion of the motor home destroyed. We were moving with the traffic.
I practice peace an light but like most humans, I take offense at nearly being killed,once in a while. I will call THP and hang with them until they pull them over and make a report.
Most times it is of no avail. They have to see it unless, the camera has it or their is physical damage. I guorantee the think twice about ssuch shennigans, next time, though.