westernrvparkowner wrote:
I disagree with a lot of posters. Minding your own business and just driving in your own little bubble-world is not the answer as far as I am concerned. You need to be aware of the conditions and react accordingly. If the traffic is moving at 70MPH, don't poke along at 50. If someone is merging either speed up to clear them, or slow down to let them in. Trying to keep 3 RV lengths of space between you and the next vehicle while driving in traffic is just inviting people to cut in. Blaring you horn at everyone you think isn't driving the way you want to the to isn't going to earn you any points.
If people are consistently cutting you off, flipping you off and pizzing you off there is a reason and the answer is often found in the mirror.
Keeping 3 seconds between you and the car in front of you doesn't invite people to cut in, it allows people to move in without having to stop traffic or cut you off.