darsben1 wrote:
I am not trying to degrade then OP BUT; He needs to seek professional Psychological help. There may be something in his past causing his reaction to jerks. Maybe PTSD or similar disorder which can be treated. The reaction of the OP to the stressor can be ruining his physical health as well as his mental health.
I am not talking about the occasional outburst we have when cut off but if it is a continual thing then professional intervention should be considered.
Talk to your primary care provider.
So let me get this right. I am cruising down highway at speed limit, using signals, mirrors, and taking all appropriate precautions on road, but somebody decides to deliberately cut me off to pass me then jams on brakes due to traffic in front of them, almost causing a wreck with my family in rig, yet I am one that needs to seek help.
LMAO...thanks for advice!