Searching_Ut wrote:
In Utah vehicles towing trailers, or over 12k GVWR are not allowed in the leftmost lane on roads with 3 or more general purpose lanes. If there are 4 or more lanes and one is an HOV lane then it will generally have signs keeping you out of the HOV and left general purpose lane.
Last time I remember seeing a traffic risk analysis study on low speeds and traffic, 20mph below the speed of average traffic flow seemed to be the magic point where risk of accident started going up a lot. If I got down much under 60 in an 80mph zone I'd probably be thinking of turning on my flashers.
As for folks doing over 80, on my last trip down I-15 from the Salt Lake City area to the Nevada border I set my speed control right at 80 (In my car, not towing) and got passed by several semi trucks and RV's to include two trucks towing double trailers, and one towing triple. It really surprised me so see how many trucks are no longer governed, and how many professional drivers weren't worried about impact to their license of a ticket. Then again, I didn't see any trucks pulled over either.
It looks like your chances of getting a ticket are pretty slim. I have been in Utah for 8 days now and have yet to see a highway patrol