Roadside assistance is a combination of insurance and help getting assistance. You can always self insure, but then you are on your own for finding a service provider. I learned about this about 50 years ago when I needed help during a winter storm and learned that most of the wrecker services were obligated to work through their queue of motor club calls before dealing with unaffiliated service requests. That was incentive to join AAA.
Insurance aspect, since getting the RV, I've put about $1200 into GS premiums (not to mention membership charges) with any service calls. But I'm in the same boat with Medicare Part D, most years my medical services were less than my premiums and I've put about $150,000 over the last 50 years into life insurance premiums without collecting benefits. Most of those policies expired because I lived too long. The ones left payable, I'll never see the money.