We have been AAA members for 18 years. 15 of those years we have had AAA Plus and for 12 of those years we have had AAA Plus with RV. Our premium this year for AAA Plus with RV for both my wife and I was $185. We had a blow out earlier this year on our Motorhome, inside rear tire. The cost to AAA was $250. The cost to me was $0. It already paid for itself this year and some of next year.
We like AAA because it is usually free every year once we figure in all the discounts we get with AAA from restaurants and retail shops to hotels, car rentals, etc., etc. That's not even including the cost of services that we didn't have to pay for.
Compare that to our Home Owners insurance which is close to $1000/year - haven't made a single claim since we bought this house 10 years ago. Our auto insurance for 2 cars and the motorhome is about $690/year. Haven't had a claim since we switched to Gieco about 7 years ago.
AAA does not offer the same services throughout the country, but whenever we have needed it, it has come through for us.