DutchmenSport wrote:
The OP did what ... probably ... most of us WISH we had the guts to do but don't because we live by civilized rules, or else we are just too da** afraid of confritation and reprocussions. Darn... i wish i had the nerve to respond the way the OP did. Guess I'm just too chicken or just too old now to throw a good punch!
I disagree. It did not take nerves or guts to do what the OP did - that was simply an act of thoughtless childishness. All his act accomplished was to increase the level of rudeness to beyond the two campsites in question. Rather than create a change in behavior from the "problem campers", he created a bigger problem for additional campers.
On the flipside:
edatlanta wrote:
I had a group of campers where I am hosting that didn't get adjoining sites and my site was between them vs walking around a corner in the road. Fortunately they left yesterday because they would walk through my site right across my ground mat unless I was outside. So they knew they shouldn't be doing it, but would if they thought I wasn't looking.
Yesterday morning I saw one of them coming carrying two cups of coffee. Now I'm supposed to be nice to campers at all times so I walked out in front of this guy and asked him if I could help him. He wouldn't make eye contact, but said "no". I then asked if he needed any directions since he was walking through my site vs the road. He declined this too as he was still walking - still no eye contact. I then said "well have a nice day". When he came back for more coffee for his remote group he walked around the road.
This is how it is done. This is what we should aspire to do in the face of rude campers. edatlanta kept the problem contained, yet found a non-aggressive, non-antagonizing way of changing the behavior in the "problem campers". Well done! And yes, this took nerve and guts.