flyboykuao wrote:
Was yours easy to put on and take off? I am not as strong or limber as I used to be.
Once we "upgraded" to a hybrid, then later to travel trailers which I couldn't store in my heated workshop I would cover each for the winter with a breathable ADCO cover. A couple of winters I did pay for indoor storage but the cost each time forced me return to instead using a cover. The upside was that once removed in the spring the trailer would be as clean as I'd left it in the fall but the primary purpose was to protect all those roof seams and the awning from the constant freeze / melt / freeze cycle as temperatures varied throughout the winter. Anyone who says installing and later removing a cover isn't a PITA is sugar coating - it
is a total PITA but IMO necessary if you can't find / afford indoor storage. The key is to first pad any & all sharp corners / edges that can rip the cover fabric - that's the easy part and something anyone can do - but if you're concerned about climbing up on the roof pay a young person in the neighbourhood to do the actual installation. It really takes 2 people anyway, one up on the roof to unroll the cover and drape it over the sides and another on the ground to dress it around the body of the RV -
you be that person on the ground. ;)