@Beverley&Ken - Thanks. I didn't think of aquarium stuff. I'll take a look at that. No worries about tube length. At the longest it would only be 21'. It would just be easier to manage because most of it would be always tucked back without me having to fiddle with it.
@Ductape - Quite a few things I don't like about POC's. The battery life is a big one. Not only that they only last about 4 hours per charge, but the tend to go bad after a few years (depending on # of recharge cycles), and then the cost for a new battery can be $300 - $500.
Another issue is that if medicare pays for the POC, you can no longer have O2 tanks. With them it's either/or. Taking 2 "E" tanks with me gives me almost 11 hours away from home. Can't get that with the POC.
Also, I would still be on the in home concentrator at night, so I still would want to solve this hose problem.