Mountaineer42 wrote:
spoon059 wrote:
Mountaineer42 wrote:
My comments come from actual experience rather than your OPINION of the way things SHOULD BE.
So you had one experience that makes ALL warranty's invalid if bought at RV Direct? That's not an OPINION? Come on guy. I NEVER made any such claim! I responded to your thoughtless attack on mlts22 and provided a realworld example of what CAN happen.
I don't know why you had a problem... but 1% of RV owners having a problem does not affect the other 99%. I have never had warranty issues before. That's great but why then would you presume to be some sort of expert and dispute the experiences of others who HAVE had problems? I've had 2 friends buy Rockwood hybrids from Both of them had minor warranty issues that were handled by local dealers. Thank God they didn't know they had NO WARRANTY since they bought on line.
Your experience is yours. My experience is mine. Your comment was ridiculous. You could have simply said "My experience has been that I could not get warranty work done". That would have been virtually irrefutable and it would have been an honest statement. Instead you make a flat out false statement. My comment was "I tried every dealer for 150 miles around and every single time, the first question they asked was "Did you purchase out-of-state?" When I answered "Yes" they would flat-out tell me they didn't do work on rigs purchased out-of-state." So where is my ridiculous, flat out false statement?
Sorry you don't like me calling you out on it. No problem at all. I'm sure most people will be able to separate the nonsense from the reality and discard your rants. I have this thing in my brain... I can't sit idly by and watch someone spread complete WRONG information to someone trying to educate themselves. Maybe you need to go back and read WHO made the ridiculous flat out false statements! It was YOU who started calling mlts22 foolish and accused them of spreading FALSE information just because they mentioned that there could be warranty problems.
I agree with SPOON and think there is some other axe being ground here by some posters thus resulting in some very bad info being spread.
TO: MOUNTAINEER42 With due respect I think you should read Spoons text more carefully. He DID NOT call anyone foolish. He said and I quote: "This is foolish..." Meaning the idea or notion being discussed
was foolish. There is NO personal attack going on here. There is, "failure to read carefully" going on however..
All personal experience is by definition anecdotal when viewed in the larger context of all other same or similar experiences. In other words both experiences can be true on any given day. But that does not mean that there is a larger truth being expressed or proven.
Dealers are in business to make money. Warranty work is what keeps the wheels greased in the slow times. Additionally no dealer will remain a dealer long if they continue to violate the dealership agreement, which refusal to do warranty work is surely part of.
The ENTIRE point to having a dealership network is to be able to service customers from all parts of the country and gain market share.
The entire point of BEING a dealer in that network is to take financial advantage from the economic benefits of more sales, service and warranty work on any given popular line TTs or MH's by a larger group of customers than exist in your local area.