We included a Whirlpool RV stack W/D set in our 5'er when we ordered it 10 years ago and it was the best $800 option we could have purchased. Anytime we have full hookups, we usually do our laundry the night before and on the morning we plan to leave. When we're out just for a weekend, we only use the dryer to dry wet bath towels. But when we're out more than 3 days we usually do sheets and laundry. We throw a load in the washer when we go to bed, then dry that load in the morning while washing another load before heading out for the day or hitting the road. The W/D sets may look small but you'll be surprised at their capacity. Our W/D set is 10 years old and both work very well...the newer RV stack W/D models are larger in capacity and more efficient I'm sure. Would we buy another stack W/D for our 5'er? You bet!!! If we were to replace our current 5'er for some reason, a stack W/D in our next RV would be a must have option. Hanging out at an RV campground laundromat is not my idea of fun. And it kind of creeps me out to wash my clothes in machines that who knows what was washed in there before and by whom.
Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)