Personally, I like wearing clean clothes. ;)
We currently have a stacker unit in the bus and had a Splendide combo unit in our old DP. I like being able to do all our laundry including bedding when we pull into an RV park. I could do all the things I do with the stacker in my combo, it just took a lot longer. Hate crowded laundromats with their dirty, clothes eating machines!
When we went to AK last summer, we took the class C in my sig. I found out laundromats had not changed in the last 20 years, it was the only thing I hated about the trip.
I know some people prefer to carry more "stuff" but that's not for me. I carry minimal groceries and buy fresh every few days. For clothes, I carry about a week's worth, do laundry regularly and replace items as needed. Went into RVing to get away from it all, not haul it along behind. ;)