It has always been one of our passtimes for local trips to head out to famous Oregon Trail and Sante Fe trail way points for a day trip. One of our favorites is located just north of Waterville Kansas and is called "Independence Crossing". it is where the wagon trains crossed the Big Blue river. They camped at a place called 'Alcove Springs" which is just a quarter mile north of the crossing and has been developed as an historic site by Kansas Historical Society. On rocks surrounding the spring can be found initials from pioneers who camped there and include members of the famous Donner Party. Waiting for swollen rivers early in their trip was ONE of the reasons they ended up making the mountains so late in the season. There REALLY is not much to the idea of "following the old trail" though there are a number of highways that are approximately the route taken (Interstate 80 for example) but it simply requires getting off of the highway to actually see famous places.
Good luck / Skip
Alcove Springs Photo