I wrote the previous thread about RVParkReviews.com. I love it, but was noting that some of the CGs had not had a review in quite awhile....and was basically just suggesting that people help to make the site better, by posting reviews.
It is very true that some folks will give a CG a perfect score, and someone else will say that it's the worst park they have ever stayed at. This can be very confusing to newbies trying to figure out where to go camping.
So, it's important to give actual reasons why you like or dislike certain things about a CG. More often than not, low ratings were because the guy/gal at the front desk wasn't very nice....and a different person was there for the next reviewer, who loved the place and the people that run it:)
You really need to read between the lines....and see if those reviews will work for your family. An elderly couple probably would give a low rating to a CG that is overrun with young children, while a young family may find this to be the "perfect" CG.
Yes, most of the times, there is a website for the CG listed on the review page, so more information is available, but remember, it's part of the CGs self promotion, so you may see some beautiful pictures of the sites, before the last big flood:(
It is a great tool to help plan your next trip....but it's also just one of many that you should check with before heading out:)