Forum Discussion

ol_Bombero-JC's avatar
Jul 13, 2013

sad...another tradition *IS* gone.........

A while back "Seedy Lane" posted a thread titled:
"sad....another tradition soon to be gone..."

related to "Bonfires" in California

While the link (to FOX News) in the thread was mostly correct,
lots of info was omitted - presumably for effect (shock and awe).
Hey, let's make mountains out of mole hills!


What was omitted?
It was started as a local issue in the City of Newport Beach.
Mega homes, worth mega bucks *very* close to the beach and the
offending fire rings. Actually, legit complaints!
Wind blows LOTS of smoke into 'em.

The South Coast AQMD became involved.

The AQMD's jurisdiction involves Los Angeles, Orange, and parts of
Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
The Coastal Commission is/was not interested in trivial pursuit, LOL!

The "BONFIRE" issue only involved Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
*NOT* the state of CA -or- the 56 other counties in CA..

With a 7-6 vote, AQMD has ruled.

The fire rings within 700 ft of homes will have to be shut down or
re-located. Approx 60 of the 765 rings in Los Angeles and Orange Counties meet that criteria.. Next year they will be removed, relocated - or provided with an alternate fuel source (LOL).

What "RVers" (residents or tourists) in/to California will feel the pain of this "SAD EVENT"??

Basically *NONE* !!..:S..:R

*Unless* you happen to patronize Newport Dunes RV Resort in Newport Beach (with starting one-night rates of $90. and up).
Might add - it's a long way from the fire rings anyway.

And - the bottom SAD, sad "sky is falling" line:
("A little bitty tear let me down")

"Most beach fire rings in Los Angeles and orange Counties can stay"

As I posted in Seedy's thread....Much ado about nothing!!:R

But it was a good excuse for at least one poster to blame the "POTUS", - ROTFL!

  • Wisconsin loves their farmers! Rich people can eat it! Happy cows my ass!:)
  • bob213 wrote:
    I wonder what was there first... the mega $$$ homes or the fire pits? It doesn't matter to me but it just seems funny. We had a large tract of homes go in near a large established dairy and then filed complaints about the smell. Hmmm???

    The City of Cerritos (in LA Co.) once was "Dairy Valley".

    Most (if not all) of the long-time daries in and around Norco (Riverside Co.) are gone now......without a doubt for the same reason.

    As to the fire pits.....

    In Huntington Beach, CA - which adjoins Newport Beach.....
    Huntington State Beach, in the 1950's and '60's was known as "Tin Can Beach", due to all the "full timers" living on the beach and discarding their trash (and tin cans).

    They had *LOTS* of bonfires - *NO* "fire rings"..:B
    NO homes anywhere close.
    There were homes in the downtown area of HB a few miles North - along with lots of....oil wells.

    And no, Tin Can Beach "residents" weren't illegal aliens, LOL!
    LOTS of 'em had (state) license plates and even signs on their tents and shelters representing their hometowns from across the USA.

    Before they came to the golden state, LOTS of servicemen discovered the mild CA climate due to the many, many military training bases in the So. CA area.
    When they got "out" - they didn't return to 20 degree climes, with snow sleet and rain in the winter & bugs & humidity in the summer - but instead, bought homes in CA.
    Must have passed the word - c'mon out, live on the beach free while you look for a home and/or work..:C

    ALL those folks are the kin and former neighbors of the CA bashers that have made CA the most populous state in the USA......and they keep on arriving......turning DAIRY FARMS into housing tracts!..:W

    LOTS of those "foreigners" are now in positions of major and minor political power. (Like the previous CA "Governator")
    Newport Beach (and Balboa Island) is the Beverly Hills of Orange County - with lots of homes on the water.
    BTW - the Pres of the AQMD board is a NB Councilman, LOL!
    (Google the population make-up of Bev Hills - surprise!)

    I'm all for the CA bashers - I liked it (CA) better "back when".
    Even Newport Beach and Balboa were fun places.
    The Duke would wave to us (on our cheap boats & Hobie Cats) from the "Wild Goose".

    So, all encouragement to the bashers is fine with me - tell 'em how bad CA is, real or imagined - and keep 'em home on the farm..:C

  • I wonder what was there first... the mega $$$ homes or the fire pits? It doesn't matter to me but it just seems funny. We had a large tract of homes go in near a large established dairy and then filed complaints about the smell. Hmmm???
  • Doesn't affect me personally, and never will, but it is really entertaining. LOL