But if people took safety into consideration.. What would Wendy Northcutt do for a living (www.darwinawards.com site owner and moderator).
I mean... One of the funniest sites on the internet.
If you want to know how stupid people can be, Sit beside a freeway, or stand on a pedestrian overpass where you are more or less safe from passing traffic and watch the cars.
True story:
When I was working we had over 150 40 foot polls we could "Sit on" electronically, that is to say there was a camera on the pole we could operate remotely, from the safety and comfort of the chair in the office.. NOTE: many of these cameras are no visible from the web, URL follows story.
WE had tilt/pan/zoom/etc control over them however (you won't from the web)
Calls to 9-1-1 "Stove in road, S/B I-75 North of Caniff (Detroit freeway system).
We sent troopers and called the county...
FIred up the Caniff camera, (Which happens to be on S/B I-75 at Caniff) nothign, not even a traffic disruption.
Switched to the DAVison camera, about a mile north of Caniff.. Same result.
Switched to teh McNichols (six mile) camera and there it was About 2 and a quarter MILES north of Caniff.. A gas range, 2nd lane.
Someone zoomed in on it to the point we could tell it was gas.. I suggested we pull back a bit and lift the camera so as to watch oncoming traffic.. CO-workers thought that would be a good idea.. Wish I'd have suggested RECORD (Did that in another incident though).
Well... Cars approach, it's late at night so traffic is light, 4 or five lanes there so no need to tailgate the car in front of you.
Cars approached, always in groups.. 2 or 3 and finally 4 vehicles, all but the leader tailgating, and all in the 2nd lane.
At the last second the leader would change lanes, and the rest.. .Underwear I suspect.
Finally a group of 3 cars and a pick up (in that order)
Car one: Changed lanes at the last second
Car two: Underwear
Car three: Near as I can tell hit #2's bumper. Do not know if there was any damage though, Do know nobody went to post to report accident.
Pickup: Did not swerve, Did not slow down, DID place kick that stove a good quarter mile putting it just SOUTH of McNichols and onto the shoulder.
Called the troopers off
Called the county off told em to schedule for straight time pick up in the AM,
Called the post "If anyone comes in, we have a room full of witnesses" but nobody came in.
I liked that job.