Mar 24, 2017Explorer
Hi All.. Maybe it is just me but I am getting concerned about our personal safety at camp grounds. Should a camper carry a weapon(gun)in the camper? Currently I do not. Jim2007
troubledwaters wrote:
Sounds like he's baiting a hook.
Cloud Dancer wrote:
IMO In order to give examples of individuals and groups that should "start taking responsibility for their lives and actions" we will need to go to another forum (political).
On subject, I don't even like to talk about how I handle and manage firearms.
lakeside013104 wrote:am1958 wrote:
People need to start taking responsibility for their lives and actions.
I choose the above line to quote you on.
Your statement is so powerful that it goes beyond the scope of what the average person can comprehend. If people WOULD take responsibility and accountability for their actions / lives, blue collar, white collar or no collar, this great nation of ours would be so much better off than it is today. You have made a goal for every individual to focus on.
Just imagine the impact of your statement if folks took it to heart.
Thanks am1958 for your forward thinking insight.
am1958 wrote:
People need to start taking responsibility for their lives and actions.
doc brown wrote:
Rhagfo, I know that facility well just south of Pahrump. I've been going there for 9 years (31 courses to date). I started going to get the training necessary to have confidence and an understanding of the consequences of using a gun in a defensive situation. You can never have enough training. Not everyone that trains wants to carry, they just want to be competent with their weapon.
RPreeb wrote:
My point was that I, and most people with basic CC licenses, simply don't have the level of training and experience to make life and death decisions in the short time that will usually be available.
...I can whack someone with a baseball bat, and except in rare circumstances, he will live to go to jail, and no bystanders are at risk from anything I do with the bat.
RPreeb wrote:
My decision making processes are just fine, thank you.
My point was that I, and most people with basic CC licenses, simply don't have the level of training and experience to make life and death decisions in the short time that will usually be available.
But I'm not prepared to take the chance that I'd be the one to miss my target and hit someone minding his own business a block away.
I don't think I'd have any psychological problems with taking down a bad guy in a him or me situation - regrets yes
Even trained LEO's miss more than they hit in a gunfight. Any Joe Citizen who thinks he's going to do better is not facing the realities of the situation.