Allworth wrote:
I live in Orlando and play by Florida rules. Pay NO ATTENTION to anybody telling you about what they did in some other state.
I just Googled "Florida Motor Vehicle Sales Tax" and got the State of Florida, Department of Revenue web site.
You pay the state 6% on the sales price less the trade in value. You also pay any County Additional Tax (1/2 percent in Orange County; 1 percent in Seminole; etc.) on the first $5,000 of purchase (ONLY).
All of this is clearly spelled out on the DOR site.
I have purchased three fivers in Central Florida in the last ten years and have never paid any "Tire" or "Battery" tax. I'm not sure what the dealer is trying to pull there unless. as someone mentioned, you have some tires or batteries replaced before delivery and there is a recycling or disposal charge on the old ones,
This is correct, except in the cases where you want to register it in another state rathert than Florida. South Dakota, Montana, and of course Oregon are far less costs involved when paying the sales tax if any. The trade-in amount is deducted from the negotiated, pre-sales price of the unit being bought. About doc feesA? Those can be negotiated back into the difference you're paying by the selling dealer. It simply involves some accountibg on their end on their paperwork. Don't buy the arguement that is is the clerical fee. Don't be fooled, it's all profit to the dealer, so sack it to them being responsible for paying their own clerical fees.