Not all that big a gust depending.. Now I've driven my class A with no problems in winds gusting to 100 mph.. From DEAD ASTERN (that is important) had they been side or quarting winds I'd have been in trouble.
The same storm I was chatting with another ham going in the same direction a ways behind me... He stopped for gas and decided the storm was too scary (I got to where I was going first) and called the campground to tell them he'd be late.
They said not a problem he could not come in as scheduled anway.. A Class A pulling out (Now at this point you are in the single digits MPH wise) took a gust of wind and layed over to take a nap and it was going to be after check in closing before they got it back on its wheels and out of there.
I've taken several 60 MPH hits parked, and one night 110, but as I said, From dead astern.. If you got to take a gust, that's your best profile.