Back when we tent camped we were in Shenandoah National Park. Without thinking, I had used strawberry scented shampoo. Awoke to the sound of what sound like the biggest dog EVER sniffing around then tent. I always have been very warm when I sleep but don't like to be crowded. Hubby was as close as he could get and apparently I just kept sliding further away until my head was touching the side of the tent. We lied perfectly still and I felt the bear's nose bouncing off my head through the tent. Must have decided he wasn't in the mood for strawberry scented human, and he left. Shortly thereafter we heard a huge "clunk". The next morning we found bear prints all over our car and picnic table. Reported the incident to the park ranger at the kiosk and he said we had nothing to worry about, there were two LEOs with tranquilizer guns ready to shoot if the bear did anything. THAT'S when I felt fear!