jplante4 wrote:
You can run 100 low lead aviation fuel in the Toro. It has no alcohol or additives and has an advertised shelf life of 2 years. The actual shelf life is much longer. We sell a bunch of 100LL at the airport this time of year, 2 gallons at a time.
Do not run it in the Honda. The valve clearances on Honda engines are too tight and the lead will gum up the valve guide.
I have used AvGas 100LL in my Honda 2000i for nearly 10 years. I only use it for backup power not constantly but have not had any problems. When I switched from pump gas E0, I went from running the generator for 10 minutes every month to starting when needed, sometimes sitting for 3 or more months. I always drain the carb. Now I just turn on the gas a few minutes before I'm ready to prime the carb and it usually starts on the first or second pull.
Back on topic I keep Seafoam on hand at all times. Haven't needed it any of the engines I use AvGas in but my old cars and tractors get a dose as needed. i usually run the engine long enough to get the Seafoam through the system, turn it off and let it sit overnight and it is cured.