GoPackGo wrote:
I have a couple questions.
Looks like your Toro is a 2-stroke. You added 50:1 mix and ran it - Is that the mix ratio that the owner's manual calls out ? If too rich, that may be your problem.
You also state that you added about a cup of Seafoam to the existing cup or two of fuel in the tank and then ran the motor, spraying more into the intake, and ran it wide open till it shut down. Did you add some 2-stroke oil (in the correct ratio) when you added the Seafoam to the tank ? If not then it may have seized up.
This is the problem when all you do is use the internet, and forums for information without understanding how motors work.
Oil is used to lube the combustion chamber. Doing a 50/50 of gas and Seafoam is something you would read on a forum, but never will you find it on the can of Seafoam. In this case the can will be telling the user to only add an ounce to the fuel. That in no way would screw up the oil/gas ratio and seize up an engine.
Also if you read the can it will say it is a fuel stabilizer. Don't know where a prior poster got their info other then some forum members post.