We have been working on self-driving vehicles since before I was born (1950's) and in fact have had them .. Sort of.. For a long long time. Most folks have seen them but do not understand what they have seen.
Ever been to an amusement park and seen the mini-cars that follow a rail around a track.. Yup, one of the earlier proposals for self driving cars, To make it more fun they loosened the track followers but that's the same concept.
Someone up-thread ask about "How many times has your computer "Glitched" (This one does it multiple times a day) Well.. Space Capsules, which are mostly self driving, use multiple computers in a democratic manner (If two of them agree then that's what we do, out of 3 total) Use of multiple computers reduces the odds of a glitch to the point of near zero.. Still happens though.
California demands that even self-driving cars have a steering wheel and manual override.. Google and others claim that defeats the purpose.. but frankly.. I think it is a good idea.. TESLA who now makes self driving cars has had a few accidents. but every time the human operator was "Sleeping on the job" as it were,, That is not paying attention.
Airplanes are, for the most part, self driving now days.. IN fact it's not even that much computer (The ECC in a Ford can pilot one cross country) but once air born they fly and often land under computer control. .BUT A HUMAN PILOT is still needed just in cuss (No that is not as typo cause if he's needed cussing will be happening). Cause STUFF HAPPENS.