If and when I decide to sell my motorhome, it will most likely be on consignment. I may decide to try it on craigslist for a short time, but I have tried selling trucks a couple of times and it can be a hassle. Lots of scammers, "low-ballers" and e-mailers asking "is it still available" etc. Plus do you really want people coming to your house or having to meet complete strangers in a parking lot somewhere? The obvious main advantage in craigslist is you get to keep all the money as opposed to paying a commission. But how many people have the cash to pay the price without going thru some kind of lengthy loan process? The one time a while back that I checked on selling my MH on consignment I was told that I could tell them what I wanted to "clear" and they would add their commission on top of that, arrange my payoff, arrange financing for the new buyer and handle all the paperwork. Plus they get a large amount of traffic, people looking specifically for what you have to sell and you don't have to arrange your schedule around a potential buyer. Many more pros than cons if you do your homework beforehand and make sure you understand all the details. Good luck.