RVUSA wrote:
djsamuel wrote:
This is sort of related, so I figured I'd ask here. When traveling on the Interstates, are there any issues staying overnight at the rest stops? Not for a few days, but just to rest and keep driving the next morning. We only have had our TT for a few weeks, so want to make sure.
I would stay at a walmart or a truck stop (fuel station) long before I would stay overnight at a rest area. The rest area is usually a long ways from help if you need some.
When I did the wally world camping circuit I would drive 300 miles or so and then figure out wheres the best one within the next 50 - 100 miles and head for it.
I was born in clermont, a long time ago. :B
Must HAVE been a long time ago!
Almost all WM in Florida have no overnight parking.
I've posted this before but it shows what people that take advantage of the parking does.....
Pulled in the WM off I-75 somewhere north of Brooksville. I pulled in to BUY GROCERIES. I was confronted by a wanna be cop and then a real squad pulled right in after me.
They jumped out screaming 'no overnight parking'. I got out and explained that I was only going in to shop.
There answer was repeating about NO RV overnight parking.
Explained again that I was going to buy something and leave.
There answer: Then go home and get your car and come back. :S
Yup, I will drive 3,600 miles to go get my car so I can shop at your #$&%^* Florida store.
TRUE STORY. They are SO ticked off at RV'ers "camping' out in their parking lots they banned the parking and have become anal about even seeing an RV in their parking lot. Thank you to those who think a parking lot is a CG. :(