BarneyS wrote:
The above comments about leveling the trailer are right on regarding using a level street. Your trailer does look like it is nose high which is not good. If you are on the lowest hole of the shank, then you will need to exchange or purchase a longer shank so you can lower the hitch head - probably one more hole lower will do it.
It looks like, upon enlarging your picture, that you have an Equal-i-zer brand 4 point sway control hitch. I would not move the L brackets if you have the bars level with the frame now. I would take it to a scale and make sure that the hitch is transferring back to the front axle ALL of the weight that was removed by putting the tongue on the ball. If it is not, then you would need to tilt the hitch head back towards the trailer by using another washer or two.
Level the trailer by moving the hitch head up or down on the shank.
Level the WD bars by changing which hole is used on the L brackets.
Change the amount of weight distribution by changing the tilt on the hitch head.
Thanks good info on what lowering the head does, what the tilt does, and leveling the spring bars.
Before I ordered a new shank I measured the TV and TT separately and got measurements see My post below. I emailed my measurements and etraier recommended the shank. They also said If I went to the next that does more drop it would be to long and may bottom out in certain situations.
My other post