Oct 14, 2019Nomad
Sewage Follies
Well, not really follies, just stuff that was new to me and might be to others too. First, Nevada has dump stations at several of their rest stops along I-80. We used this one near Winnemucca. Fi...
rk911 wrote:Close to whats happening around here (WA State) ... I've found everything from rocks to diapers plugging the 3" waste dump. I've used my awning rod to fish stuff out so I could use it. In response the Road Dpt has started adding cross rods a couple of inches into the connector. Trouble is rocks still manage to get past the rods and pile up in the first elbow or trap out of reach.
my guess is the trough was in response to the mental midgets who couldn't manage to connect their 3" hoses to the sewer connection.