Forum Discussion

GarthBnut's avatar
Jun 24, 2014

Sewage in Camper

I have a problem, just bought my camper in Feb 2014...its brand new. I keep it parked in a campground from April till October. Just started camping April 18, 2014, we are weekend campers only since hubby works through the week...I get a call last Thursday night from campground owners that their sewer lines had a blockage and raw sewage was all in my was seeping out of the was coming out of the shower, bathroom sink and kitchen sink. We always leave the black tank closed and the grey tank open. I call my insurance company...they are thinking this camper can be cleaned up and lived in again, but they don't know for sure since they never had a claim like this before...the adjuster is coming out Wednesday to see the damage. It was standing waste water was all over the camper floor from one end to the other. When they moved it off my site so they could fix the damage sewer pipes the sewage just poured out. I do not think this camper should be lived in ever again. I don't see how they can clean every nook and cranny. Has anyone had this happen to them?
  • GarthBnut wrote:
    No one in the campground unhooks sewer lines when they leave for the weekend. The campground underground sewer pipes were very old and would not be up to code for todays standards...the culprit was a sewage cap got lodged in the pipe and clogged it up. The owners have no ideal how the cap got in the lines. Our site is at the end of this septic line and our camper got all the backup.

    I see your point. I have never had a seasonal spot for our RV's. I also let my grey and black water tanks fill and dump them when necessary. This was a very unusual problem you had and I think as others have said your rig should most definitely be totaled. I would fight hard for that. JMHO
  • Closing your black and gray water valves when you are not there would have rendered the problems with the sewer moot. An ounce of prevention would have avoided what is likely to be a long and problematic cure.
  • I remember some one posted a similar experience a while back and thier ins. totaled the rig.
    That's the route I would take because there is no way to clean enough to prevent toxic (read DEADLY) mold from forming.
  • No one in the campground unhooks sewer lines when they leave for the weekend. The campground underground sewer pipes were very old and would not be up to code for todays standards...the culprit was a sewage cap got lodged in the pipe and clogged it up. The owners have no ideal how the cap got in the lines. Our site is at the end of this septic line and our camper got all the backup.
  • You could look to the people whose houses went through floods. EVERYTHING that got wet has to be removed, walls, flooring, etc. then the wood frame treated to kill any bacteria. Removing the cabinets and walls up to a foot or so above the "high water" mark could be expensive.

    I would expect the campground insurance will be buying you a new camper.
  • My motorhome was in a flood a number of years ago and we weren't even allowed near it for a week or more due to it being a biohazard. When they allowed us in to see it, we met the insurance agent and they immediately totaled it. I can't imagine having raw sewage in it. I can't imagine them being able to disinfect it...
  • You mean you had a sewer line connected while you were away. Interesting. Anyway I agree. If you had sewage on all your floors without you knowledge for a extended period of time, I think there would be floor damage, that would require a complete new floor at the least and what about the bottom of the side walls. Sounds like one heck of a @@itty mess!