Looking at the pictures, yes, I would be concerned. I never would have bought a RV looking like that. I take seriously my customer responsibility for due diligence.
Either this RV is old and poorly cared for, or if new, the manufacturer has serious problems with QC, fit and finish, or the roof has been damaged by somebody going up on it.
It is not just the roof (which is a lot like finding a car on a dealer's lot that has been heavily hail damaged), other quality problems are obvious. But people still choose to buy vehicles like these, cars, trucks and RVs, to save the money vs the price of a "perfect" one.
I haven't looked at K-Zs for about six years, was not enthusiastic about them then, and if this is typical of what they are doing now, they've gone downhill since.
As for water pooling around the A/C, or in other low spots, many RVs used to be made like this, and many still are. A "domed" roof is still rare enough to be featured as a "plus" in sales brochures, but should be a "must" for a careful buyer. The gaskets and sealing materials are supposed to hold the water out, and they do if maintained, the job is easier, safety margins better, if the roof is curved, even though the curvature complicates the sealing efforts.
Looking more, down the side, there is buckling along the top trim strip, where the dents are located on the roof. Is the frame of this thing bent? Did a tree fall on it?