We were pulling a double axle snowmobile trailer (16' aluminum tilt bed) with a mattress on it that we had purchased when we were rear ended. We were stopped due to traffic in front of us, mini van behind us hit us at about 35mph. The back edge of our trailer went into her grill above the bumper and pushed the radiator back. It bent our stinger (part that goes into receiver and has trailer ball on it). The receiver looked ok, we had some discomfort that a few sessions with chiro and a few massages took care of, they opened two separate claims, one for the trailer and our medical, the second for the tow vehicle. Other insurance company tried to get us for partial fault, but when that did not work, they paid the claim. If you suspect receiver or any part of hitch is damaged, insist it is replaced. It is a small portion of the claim when you look at the back of your trailer and the medical.