A key phrase in that article is this one in my way of thinking.
" It does present a challenge for us in getting them trained so they can then work at an incentive pace in the manufacturing environment,snip..."
Note the phrase "incentive pace"! We have toured the Jayco factory twice and both times have been stunned by the fast pace the workers maintain. In the frame section, they literally run around, and tools and other parts are flying in every direction. I wondered if they have a bad safety record!
In another part of the factory, they needed to have a hole in the side wall for some wires. The worker grabbed a hammer and simply smashed/punched that hole. No need for using a hole saw that would leave a nice even cut hole!:R
They have "incentive" to work at that pace because when they have built a certain number of units they can go home and work on the farm. It is no wonder the quality of new RV's is so low.