Actually THE KEY phrase in the entire article and what most of this issue REALLY revolves around is this:
"Another challenge, Bellovich said, is new hires not passing drug screenings post-offer. “It is a problem that some employers don’t like to talk about or face up to but it’s one that exists. It happens quite often,” he said."
This has been the dirty little secret of employment for a long time. Otherwise good folks who know what they are doing AND even entry level ones can't get a job because of the drug test and the background checks.
We are creating a new unemployable underclass with these policies that in my view and in the view of many of the CEO's and managers I speak with need to change. The employers focus should be on, ON THE JOB performance not whether you stole a pack of cigarettes when you were 17 or didnt pay your child support.
As for the economics of the RV industry. I have written about it here many times and it is complex and not well understood and most of the arm-chair quarterbacking I read here is written by people who have never owned or run a manufacturing facility of any size and really dont have a handle on the economics or the issues and difficulties therein.
But as long as the FICKLE RV consumer will walk away from a (relatively) high quality product to a much lesser one to save $1000 then we as RV consumers have the RV industry we deserve.