If you had a leak at one time (even if it is sealed now with whatever method) you still may have a ticking time bomb. What I mean is that depending on how much moisture got in, there could be potential for damage.
When I had my campers, I would perform religious maintenance on them. Even with that regiment schedule, there was an instance where water got in near my skylight... I think it might have been from the adjacent vent.
in addition to removing and resealing with self leveling roof sealant made for RV's I ended up replacing the vent and skylight as there was more deterioration than I could have imagined (and all this even with pretty strict inspection and upkeep... the potential is there.) I also had to perform minor repair of the roof frame as well.
I guess what I am saying is even though there is no leak at this time, keep an eye on possible future compromised roof structure.
