I am quiet and avoid making noise but I can sleep through anything. I park at rest stops and wake up in the morning to discover two big rigs parked on each side of me with their diesels running all night. On my way up to NY it was raining hard and visibility was poor. I pulled into whites truck stop in VA which had a huge parking lot filled with trucks and there was also an adjoining parking lot that was even larger than the main lot and it was almost empty. I pulled in to take a nap while I waited for the rain to stop (all slides were in and it is a good thing they were because Improbably would have ticked off some big rig drivers for taking up extra room). I slept right thru the night and when I woke up the next morning the lot was filled with about 100 tractor trailers all of which were running their engines all night. The two rigs parked next to me were only about 2 or 3 feet away on each side with the diesel right next to my bedroom and I never heard a thing till the light from the rising sun woke me up.
Noise does not bother me but people cussin especially if there are children around is totally unacceptable.