I believe it's genetic...there is a "slamming gene". My wife is a slammer. I've tried to get her to stop. Nope. In the house, in the car, in the motorhome...doesn't matter. SLAM!!! I've explained to her that it increases wear and tear. Nope....doesn't get through. Tell her I have enough things to fix around here and don't need anything else added to the list. Nope. Nothing. Still...SLAM! She's even seen me fix numerous items around the house that I've explained to her failed due to "slamming". Nope..."I can't prove that" is her response. My next resort is to let her fix the next thing she "slams to death"! LOL
I believe it's genetic. I weigh 230+ pounds and I can go in and out of the motorhome without anyone hearing. Gently open the door, tread lightly on the steps, carefully close the door with the lock handle in the "open position", releasing it when the door is fully closed. Lock it with the key if needed. Our older son is the same way. But the youngest two....just like mom. Stomp down the stairs like elephants are coming! The younger boy is trying to do better...the daughter..."mini-mom"...well....I think it's genetic! LOL
Well...either genetics or they're just inconsiderate. :)