Forum Discussion

noplace2's avatar
Oct 26, 2014


We've been at this fulltiming thing now in our 14th year. Given that we've been in close proximity, even boondocking, close to someone for at least half of that time, what's up with the slamming?

Slamming RV doors. Slamming car/truck doors. Slamming outside cabinet doors. Slamming Motorcycle compartments (yep 20+ times in the last 3 days). I don't get it. ALL of those entities can be closed quietly without disturbing anyone. I can close the door to my F-250 without making a discernible noise 2' away.

Do you all just want attention or do you just not get that this could conceivably bother other people?

Please think and stop it!
  • That's why we live in the country, no trains, no busses, no slammer. If we want noise we go camping.
  • Pitch, same here been married for 35 years DW always slam's the car doors and the house door. I have changed the lock-set on the house 3 times, she destroys them. I can say this because she doesn't go on this web site.
  • My wife is a slammer. For 35 years I have done every thing short of assault to get her to not do it. All attempts at correction have failed. I have learned to just duck my head and cringe.
  • I agree - some people just don't realize they don't have to slam. We especially find that tenters slam a lot. Everything stored in the truck or car comes out and goes back in accompanied by a slam.

    At one CG we were in very close proximity to an RV with slammers - we went to the ranger station to ask when they were leaving - if they were staying more than 2 nights we were hoping to move.

    A group of deaf people used to live across the road from my MIL. Every time we visited we'd hear all this slamming of doors (cars, house) from over there. They didn't hear it, but we did.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Sometimes an RV that is off level (or rather slightly torqaued) the door needs to be closed more firmly.

    Some of them due to the design tend to slam. I can close mine silently if I have to but slamming them, truly slamming them, damages the el-cheapo metal lock bolts so I don't do that, I have had to rebuild too many of the locks.