Except in summer, truck stops are no longer loud. Company and state anti-idle rules. Many if not most big trucks now equipped to provide heat without running main engine. (And no one wants to park nearcreefers for this reason; most of them are good about choosing less desirable parking even if early).
HOS rules are forcing more of us into earlier hours per departure and arrival if we want to park at a truck stop. There are more TS, but there are even more big trucks than twenty years ago.
I prefer Flying J/Pilot (same corporation; the former is large and full service, the latter is more convenience store, relatively) whether working or traveling on my own time. And I recommend the RV parking strongly. Not just to avoid taking a parking spot (which is big), but because the chances of damage to your rig is lessened, and because the walk to the store is far shorter.
Good place to buy TV fuel, propane, dump tanks (as you all know) , but also good to finally do that three passes across the scale and get the WDH right.
The scale isn't likely to be busy past mid-afternoon. And, while starting to drive in the dark is marginally okay, driving past dark ESPECIALLY with an RV is not.
FWIW, I try to arrange my work days from 0400-1800. 14-hrs per HOS. I use the store and the showers in the time previous to that. No waiting.
The mornings at truck stops get rolling around 0530. Continues to about 0730 and includes local car commuters. There's some traffic at around mid-day, and very heavy near to and past dark. Parking lot is close to full at 2000, but was near empty at 1700. Work around this and they're easier to use.