rr2254545 wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
rr2254545 wrote:
If you have toppers I would leave them in as twice I have had a great deal of trouble getting slices in with ice and snow on them. At 20 I would leave mine in as the RV will heat much better
I've found the opposite.
- If you have snow and ice on the toppers, it usually just falls off as they roll up.
- If you don't have toppers, it tries to pull the snow and ice inside where it melts and makes a mess.
Guess I was dreaming the two times it happened to me
Nope, I'm sure you had some sort of issue.
But having had both, I know if you don't have toppers, you need to go on the roof and manually remove the snow and ice or it gets pulled into the trailer when you close the slide.
On our rig with slide toppers, it always just fell of as the topper rolled up.