And why would you think "things are going to change" just because you camp 'early' in the season? ha, ha..
It's been this way for decades.. And getting worse and worse every year.
I'm still working full time, an old dude and can only get out for long weekend trips during the summer.. but I don't act like what you describe either! (I don't have a dog, or kids or play loud music or yell)
I have given up camping on "holiday" weekends, as that just seems to open the flood gates on 'campers' being total jerks.. ha, ha..
Just have to watch the news to figure out the general public does not have a clue on life, except, "it's all about me"..
Yes, I know that's a cliché thing to say, but it's more true now than ever!
Don't know where I'm going with this, except to say, the general public does not care anything about "you".. Just "themselves"..
Good luck! Mitch