amandasgramma wrote:
I didn't say it was "this forum's" spell check.....I thought it was something on all computers. :)
Quite frankly I did not know MSIE does not have a built in speil clunker either. I just know firefox does and right click (MENU) is a local function not a remote (Web page) function.
I use Firefox. and MSIE and Chrome depending on the page I'm visiting (Actually have not used Chrome that much but it is resident on this laptop (Came with it) so I have not yet killed it off).
One of the fun things about having used home computers since my first VIC-20 in 1983 (or Dec 82) is that I have forgotten as much as I know or so it seems.. My last computer was a free netwook.. Daughter, who does not like firewalls and A/V software cause they "Slow it down too much" Caught a virus.. Not much of a virus but never the less it disabled her ability to use her computer...
Her Husband, who is supposed to be kind of good at this kind of thing, spent over two hours recovering just one file from the box she needed to finish her semister in college.
She finally gave it to me "IF you can get it working, it's yours"
Took me 15 minutes.. one of those old anarchic DOS commands I remembered from my DOS days first diagnosed it, and then with different arguments, fixed it.
Then it was update the AV and Firewall, and slap the remains of the virus off the drive.. And it's all good.
Alas, now (over 2 years later) it's getting king of long in the tooth again, Still works but S*L*O*W plus it is running out of HD, and a new 500 GiG HD (What is in this new windows 8.1 box) cost more than the new windows 8.1 box (I'm not kidding, Deal of the week at Staples the normally 400 dollar computer (more than the hd) was 250, the HD is 350 online, and I walked out the store with the computer all paid for.. In Cash.