IeSpell users:
Is it still working for you on this forum? I have 3 different cpus with different operating systems, all use IEexplorer but different versions, also 2 differnt versions of iespell. Recently all/any, when using iespell specificaly only on this forum- The corrected word is inserted, deleting space before previous word and leaving last letter of mispelled word.
just FYI this is ieSpell corrected;
"Is it still working for you on this forum? I have 3 differentCPUss with differentoperatingg systems, all useIE explorerr but different versions.Recentlyy none when usingieSpelll work correctly butspecificallyl on the this forum. The corrected word is inserted"...
Been using iespell for couple of years-just odd-but unsure where the fault is.