Hmm downloaded Speckie it works-though ieSpell simpler, like its format. Speckie highlights the misspelled word(s), so when I run ieSpell at least I can catch when it runs words together.
PuzzlinieSpellll seemed to bworkingin checking as I go- when I added this second paragraph started jacking. Now its deleting prior space and last letter of previous word-leaving last 2 letters of replaced word-odd...thought I had it-need a testing area so i can just try different combinations-see whats triggering this before I give up on it-
Now thats peculiar-I misspelled combination above- highlighted just that sentence and ieSpell worked. And again on this sentence.
above was "trying paragraphss" 4 hard returns=4 missing characters, 4 leftover...
WOW. You cant see but Ive been playing and Its the hard return? If I delete all hard returns between '...sentence.' paragraph and 'trying paragraphs' ie works. For every hard return, thats how many letters are deleted when ie inserts corrected word. Only thing that comes to mind is this forum uses BBC code-verses other forums I frequent that use something else. Going to go visit some other BBC code base sites and see if repeatable. IeSpell usually works for me-it was only this forum thats become issue...I can check this entire paragraph and ieSpell works-if I add a return to split into paragraphs it starts jacking. So work around is either checking a paragraph at a time, ensuring no hard return are in selection or no paragraphs.
Could be that ieSpell seemed to work previously for me because usually don't add paragraphs-but more likely that I just gave up XP. As ieSpell hasn't been updated since 2010 and most software has spell checks now not likely to be addressed.