Just an update related to previous post about neck arm and handcut the nerve..
Last two visits to surgery clinic about hand and elbow a Lady Doctor kept checking my left wrist. Of course the EMG told them one nerve was long dead. Turns out the Doctors? at ------------ VA killed or cut the nerve. She asked me several times who did it but it's been a while.
Strange ,that I let it go so long, thinking it was normal. I've been trying to remember for several weeks now. I have a somewhat clear picture, of the faces but no names. Part dead and part dead sometimes and hurts like a vise on wrist and arm and weak finger hands.
What good will it do me now. Still got to get C6 fixed and hope that clears everything up, including the rest of that hand and arm.
Thanks for the names of the Clinics/Doctors. Now I understand why they won't do anything maybe.