K Charles wrote:
darsben wrote:
Walmart or Lowes. Lowes has the advantage of being closed so much quieter. Plus Lowe's leaves the wifi on .
If you tell us were they are entering the U.S perhaps someone can chime in with a good place to stay.
Be aware they cannot spend the night in a rest area in Ohio it is against the law.
this may be off topic but some of the rest areas on the Ohio turnpike have W/E hookups for RVs also dump stations
Turnpike is different but as this is a N. S. trip on a regular interstate I can tell you from experience the Cops will roust you out of bed and tell you no camping allowed. POliceman told me if I was in a semi I would be okay, Car I could sleep through the night but the Ohio legislature passed a law outlawing camping on state land other than in a campground. He was enforcing the law as it was written. I wrote the governors office but never received a reply. That is why I now pass through Ohio trying not to spend a penny