I have allot of over the road miles driving truck, I personally would not expose my family to some truck stops,, its a rather harsh at times experience. I have seen numerous times drivers that let there little dogs out to do there business where ever,, have seen many a snapple bottle discarded full of urine, have also seen large (gallon jugs) of urine emptied out the door of a truck where it is parked!!
Also,, you cannot escape the smell of urine in allot of truck stops for the very reason I stated. I have seen this in many places,, On the East Coast and even in Oregon!! Ohio and Michigan were the worst for this!!
I was personally on a Haz Mat call working at the Fire Department, we got called to Four-one gallon jugs (milk jugs) along side of the freeway, Caller stated a "Semi Truck" pulled over and left them behind!
Yep!! Haz Mat team determined it was four gallons of urine!!
No I don't have a phobia,, I just would not expose my family to that environment.
But hey thats just me!!
Oh,, and Talk about "Lot Lizards" (women of the night,, and men of the night) some places are out of hand!! Yeah,, the CB was on fire!! as was the pounding on the door all hours of the night!!
I received an illegal stopping citation in Wisconsin because I left the truck stop and pulled over at an off ramp clearing to get some rest!!