Forum Discussion

afrescopXx's avatar
Feb 12, 2015

Staying connected overnight

Is it okay to keep the toad connected while overnighting at a campground? I understand the the towbar, safety cables and break away cable are not the issue. My concern is the umbilical cord with its included charge line. Is that line dead with the RV's ignition off? I am plugged into shore power with the umbilical connected to the RV. Is any charging of the car battery taking place or is the chassis battery being depleted and not replenished by the converter?
  • I take off the electric umbilical cord and the BB alert cord My own peace of mind. I also remove the Brake Buddy and start the car and let it run 5-10 minutes Doesn't take but 10-15 minutes at the most in the morning to set it back up.
  • You may want to see if your battery connection is hot at all times at the 7 way, or only when the key is on. The other side of the coin is, if you disconnect it when you arrive, you can check the tow setup in the morning when you reconnect it before you leave.
  • I found out by accident that there IS a draw.

    I'd been dragging my toad around for 2 years. Starting it every 250 miles per instructions to cycle trans fluid.

    Then on my last trip to Florida I due for the 250 mile stop and run but was so close to my destination that I thought it would not hurt to go the extra miles without stopping to start the toad. So I skipped it.

    Had a dead battery when I got there. Apparently me starting the car for the trans every 250 was ALSO charging the toad battery. :S

    So it does depend on how your toad was wired.
  • X2 Fleet Man. I've had my car battery die (on a previous car) after leaving it hooked up for a couple nights in a row (traveled during each day). So now I unplug the electrical cord if I stay hooked up. Not a big deal to do.
  • Right, Wrong or Indifferent, I always disconnect the electrical umbilical when leaving the toad hooked up on a overnight stop.
  • Nothing was changed on the original factory 7 pin. The car is a Ford C Max.
  • You have to find out how the charge line was wired up.
    Many installers wire it up hot all the time.