Forum Discussion

homerbw's avatar
Jul 11, 2013

Steering locked

Recently I purchased a Kar Kaddy SS to pull our Prius. I have never towed a vehicle with a dolly before and my test run answered a few questions but created others. The Prius steering does not lock and the Kar Kaddy requires the steering to be straight and locked. What do most of you do to keep the steering wheel from turning?
  • I have a mastertow dolly and just make sure the wheels are straight then the heavy wheel straps are ratcheted down as tight as I can. Nothing moves at all
  • My Malibu Maxx does not have a locking steering wheel. Towed it for many miles on a SS without locking it. Does not seem to make a difference if it is locked or not. Just make sure it is straight on the dolly.
  • If it would make you feel better you could ratchet strap the steering wheel to the base of the seat. Jim
  • Use the seat belt and wrap it around the steering wheel once before you latch it.
  • Search fro tow truck steering wheel lock, the ones to keep wheels straight. I'm not usually one to jump on the liability band wagon, but we witnessed a saturn dislodge from a dolly do to the wheel not locking. It was the guys first time towing, he made it from CT to VA before it happened. Luckily nobody was hurt but he did get grief from the trooper who showed up.