Wes Tausend wrote:
Geez. Sorry to hear of this John. I sure hope it doesn't spoil your vacation. Resolve to not let that happen! Maybe it will eventually be abandoned with some sentimental items still in it?
The chain should do it. Wrap it around the axle too, for good measure.
Pardon, I have a couple of off-beat comments:
If I was in charge, things would be different, at least the drug scene. I would legalize every single recreational drug there is and sell them through legitimate pharmacy outlets to addicts like normal drugs... well much cheaper than black market anyway... with a large "dry" prison penalty for sharing. I expect the incentive for theft, and sales, would be diminished.
The only thing required for a legal prescription would be a current medically proven addiction. Rehabilitation programs would be free as would some specially prepared menial work programs (that could safely allow drug impaired workers). I would thereby (theoretically) gut the profit margin in black market sales and drive meth labs etc out of business. I would expect very few new customers under those conditions. I might be wrong.
An economical Lo-Jack type system might be made from a multiple cell phone account. It would only work well with accounts that allow extra cells, all for one price. What one would need to do is purchase a cheap extra phone and hide it in the camper with it on and plugged into a charger on the 12v system. The RV should be self GPS trackable for a week or so even if power were cut to the cell charger (unlikely in a vehicle application). The ringer would need to be disabled, of course.
To get an immediate cell notice of theft, one would have to intricately connect a motion sensitive device across the "call button" electrical contact inside the phone case. Enter your home (or personal cell) phone number and leave the phone cover open with it permanently on the screen. When the motion sensor connects, the phone dials your number to let you know the motion sensor has gone off... gone off from the "family" number that never calls otherwise.
One way a simple motion sensor can be made, is by dangling a vertical metal rod in the middle of a horizontal metal ring. One electrical terminal connection is the ring, the other the rod. Any inertial motion sets the rod to swinging and makes connection. For a cell phone, I believe the connection only need be momentary once, as one might tap the call button to connect for instance. The motion connection can be disabled by a hidden switch, but you will always get "called" when entering unless the "disable switch" is outside somewhere.
Good luck setting up a lease, and don't let the rotten *******s ruin your vacation, John. They already took enough... cheat them out of any more.
These are some good ideas.