ferndaleflyer wrote:
Lack of education--do they teach spelling in school anymore? Neighbors son is 10 and brought me a written note he made for me on Veterans day. It was hardly legible. I also have very little formal education but taught myself as best I could. Not interested in learning over at this age, 80, because some are to lazy or think they are cute. Flame on!
I understand where your coming from with lack of education. But that is not what this post is about.
If one is computer savvy enough to use this forum , they should have no trouble googling any acronym they are not familiar with.
There are many acronyms in use as referenced in other post. They have been in use long before the internet.
Claiming this forum uses to many acronyms is unjustified.
If you hace access to a computer and google you have a resoucse to decipher most if not all acronyms.